
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saskatoon SK

I am in Saskatchewan right now visiting my Grandma. I'm seeing a lot of western species of birds. Yesterday I saw two Franklin's gulls along the Saskatchewan river along with a Western wood-pewee  and a Palm warbler. It is the first time I have seen the Red-shafted race of the Northern flicker. Today I went to the country side to see a property my grandparents own. The property is right on the South Saskatchewan river.  I brought my binoculars with me and I saw a Western meadowlark, two Long-billed dowitchers and a large flock of Canada geese. There were many Solitary sandpipers along the shore feeding (not so solitary are they?). The numbers of Lesser and Greater yellowlegs were surprising. I only saw three Lessers and two Greaters. In Newfoundland Yellowlegs are the most common shorebird you could see. There were many hawks flying about. I saw a Northern harrier, a few Swainson's hawks and a good number of Sharp-shinned and Red-tailed hawks. The most common species were the Cedar and Bohemian waxwings. I probably saw at least 250 of these birds swooping about. It was nice to see the large numbers of Swallows. Both Barn and Tree swallows were seen quite frequently. There were many Flycatchers, such as Eastern kingbirds and Alder flycatchers. Many sparrows were present. Lincoln sparrows, Swamp sparrow's and Song sparrow's were seen quite often along the bank feeding on Chokecherries and Saskatoon berries. Unfortunately, Warblers were scarce. I did see a few Yellow and Wilson's warblers along the bank with the sparrows. The usual Red-winged blackbirds, American robins and Black-billed magpies were all happy to show themselves. A Grey catbird was a timid bird that was only heard a few times throughout the day. I will be back out there on Wednesday. I can hardly wait!

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